Throughout the years, we were able to try out dozens of different tennis-related items, from all different brands. While personal preferences do matter when it comes to choosing a racket, string, or shoe, there are some items that we believe are superior than others. We have come up with a selection of items that contains some of the best rackets, strings, shoes, overgrips, and bags we have ever used.
We have also made sure we selected items that are budget-friendly, which means you won’t have to break the bank in order to play tennis.
Sometimes we do receive items from brands to review, but we’re not sponsored by them or anything of the sort. This page is essentially just a place to help you make sure you’re getting the right equipment for yourself.
The pages on this website include affiliate links that will lead you to affiliate websites. If you purchase anything, My Tennis HQ will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.